Thursday, 19 June 2008

Express Ourselves Through Blogging

Blogging has been fun for me, especially when I'm able to share about my thoughts and express myself on the things I love. One of them is the Environment.

Isn't it lovely being able to blog about things we love and make money at the same time? *wink* If you answered yes, why not register with Bloggerwave? *grin*

Friday, 6 June 2008

Happy World Environment Day!

Kick the CO2 Habit - Towards a Low Carbon Economy!

That's the theme of World Environment Day (5 June) this year. Let's do our part as an individual and collectively as a community to reduce pollution and improve environmental conditions, not only for us now, but for our future generations!

We don't own the Earth, we are just borrowing from our future generations.

Some tips-
1. reduce usage of plastics - use ECOBAGS instead!
2. Do composting at home
3. Switch off electric appliances if not used
4. Turn off water tap tightly
5. Use CLOTH DIAPERS for your babies! It's cost effective in the long run. Trust me! *wink*

Let's treat everyday as WED ok!