Thursday, 28 February 2008

Defining Environment

I attended a workshop today on biodiversity.

I was very shocked (and honestly dissappointed) to find out that a guy whom I believe is a professional (who works in the field of biodiversity and all) does not understand the definition of Environment. He thinks Environment does not take into account social factors.

So, I'd like to share with all of you the definition as stated in the Environment Protection Enactment (2002).

“environment” includes –
(a) the external physical surroundings and conditions influencing
development and growth of people, animals or plants and
includes social, living or working conditions;
(b) all natural and physical resources;
(c) ecosystems and their constituent parts including people and
communities; and
(d) amenity, aesthetic and cultural values

When I was at the university, one of my professors defined Environment really nicely. He said 'Environment is everything that isn't me'.

Have a lovely evening, everyone!

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